Saturday, April 8, 2006

Yellow Sparkle Jelly Bands Mean

Fabio Pianigiani: East and West, Arts and Intercultural

The Theatre of the various hosts "Free Circuit" with a review of Theatre and Dance and organized meetings with companies Theatrikos center on 9, 23 and 28 April 2006 under the patronage of the Municipality of Colle Val d'Elsa. At the opening, and 'will be a cultural evening with Indian dance company Mangalam.
Three of the appointments of theater and dance with intercultural issues and the female, accompanied by a buffet, and cultural exchanges and meetings organized by Theatrikos.
Sunday, April 9 will open the evening with a tasting of 21 recipes of Indian cuisine prepared by Govinda vegetarian center, followed by 21:30, the impressive display of Indian dance company Mangalam, which presents "Rasa, the essence of an emotion "Part of a representation of the nine rasa (feeling), choreography di Maresa Moglia e Sabina Cesaroni. È un incontro, davvero unico, tra danzatori , che tessono trame di gesti e suoni attraverso un viaggio interculturale tra Est e Ovest. Un linguaggio di ibridazione e “contaminazione” culturale, un dialogo tra la tecnica di danza contemporanea e quella di danza classica indiana, una nuova forma, un masala o misto di tecniche e culture.
Dopo lo spettacolo, la compagnia dialogherà con il pubblico in un incontro-dibattito sul tema “Tra Oriente e Occidente – Arte e Intercultura” in cui interverranno Fabio Pianigiani , musicista e coordinatore del Forum di Dialogo Interreligioso(accompagnerà dal vivo lo spettacolo con sue musiche originali) e il dottor Roberto Ruffino, Secretary-General of Intercultural.
The festival will go on Sunday, April 23 to 21 with Theatrikos that the Company has a unique multimedia show "Me-Medea - 5 score for women rainbow", directing and dramaturgy by Patricia German AG. Based on a true story of the five women on stage give voice to the archetype of Medea, with an original autobiographical writing, and the experience of women on the edge, the edge of a society where the culture of the Father, dedicated to the game of power, deaf to the cry of humanity, requires cages silences. Followed by a meeting-discussion with the company Theatrikos on "Myth and Society."
will conclude the festival Friday, April 28 the performance of the Company at 21 Stranenseble "The truth of the forms - Study on Degas, directed and choreographed by Irene Stracciati, interesting synthesis stage, which involves not even able-bodied dancers. No story to tell, but to small, human and a tragicomic Terpsichore with many souls, harnessed and suspended in a world of escape from the world. A follow-meeting discussions with the company, the Association Senese Down, Councillor for Culture of the Municipality of Colle Val d'Elsa, Alessandra Mice. This review
in Val d'Elsa is the last of the seven signs of the Free show circuit, which is now in its third year and has involved a dozen companies emergenti, in tutta la regione, con ottimo apprezzamento di pubblico. Per prenotare ed avere informazioni contattare Theatrikos 0577-922562 o 339-4619090


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