TRASIMENO - Agriculture at risk
With an order of the President of the Province of Perugia have been introduced for those exceptions, Lake Trasimeno, is licensed to draw and use water saving devices such as drip irrigation, micro sprinklers in spray or microjets and also for those working in the livestock sector. The recent rains have in fact only partially compensated for the water crisis that lasted for years now, in fact, today the lake is 122 centimeters below the hydrometric zero, that is some 40 centimeters less than it was during the summer 2007. La più importante opera di risanamento, il collegamento da Montedoglio, è infatti quasi terminato; l’ultimo tratto da Tuoro a Castiglione del Lago invece sarà pronto entro due anni. L’opera servirà gli impianti di irrigazione evitando un prelievo dal Lago Trasimeno di circa 400 mila metri cubi d’acqua. Nei periodi invernali, nel caso in cui la diga di Montedoglio si trovasse in surlpus l’impianto confluirà direttamente nel Trasimeno, garantendo un innalzamento stimato dai 6-10 cm l’anno.Non è soddisfatto del progetto, Giuseppe Tromba, responsabile della Coldiretti per l’area del Trasimeno: “l’agricoltura, una risorsa importantissima, è stata lasciata in disparte per too long, there is the impression that no interest to anyone. As for the drawing and irrigation from the Trasimeno know that it is limited to a few types of vegetables and therefore insufficient. " They also expressed many doubts about the trumpet from the project because of Montedoglio says he made a public use but will not give you a hand in agriculture.
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