Don Julian was the Governors' priest companion to some was the "priest of the sick" for others "of the last priest" or simply Don Julian. Castelvieto was born in 1935, a small fraction of the Corciano from a humble farming family, his father a laborer and a workman's mother housekeeper at the barracks of Santa Giuliana. A man who knew what it meant to be on the side of the weakest, because he had been. He began his career in the church to Agello as chaplain, when he was ordained a priest Pietrafitta where he settled in, with huge efforts can restore the church. Following his work lends itself to Sunflower, where chiesa non c’era e lui l’ha costruita. Ma è nella chiesa di Magione che vive la maggior parte del tempo contribuendo nel ’93 alla fondazione dell Misericordia e nel 2001 realizza a memoria d’uomo i festeggiamenti più belli che si siano visti per il 25° del Crocifisso di Magione in cui sono accorsi migliaia di fedeli da tutta l’Umbria. Ma la abbandona a malincuore, perché era stato investito da un’auto mentre visitava le famiglie per la benedizione pasquale. L’incidente l’aveva mandato in coma per alcuni giorni e non ce l’avrebbe fatta a gestire una parrocchia così grande. Per questo ha voluto fortemente l’incarico di prete di Agello, una parrocchia più piccola, in cui la sua last mission had been achieved: the restored church of San Donato. He had obtained funding from the CEI and the Region. These days, was attending a sick uncle, the only close relative that was left, he had decided to spend a few days at sea to relax and just yesterday morning at the beach was seized by an illness, unnecessary travel to hospital. A priest controversial in many respects, could engender a great love and great hatred, hatred of a priest if you can talk, his arrival has always triggered an earthquake in all the small businesses that revolve around the church. Many did not forgive his way of being so conservative and so very little unconventional. Do not tolerate those who sang to church just to the ditty, but she loved and stimulated the emergence of youth groups and the movement of "Focolare" which was very close. A priest who used to visit the sick and comfort the faithful old house to house and that when he met some old militant of the party said: "This year we win." A priest who remembered your name and your passions, a priest who embraced all his parishioners whenever he saw them and did it for love. A priest who put the "made her long" was the sermon and the blessing of the most important thing, because as he often said from the pulpit: "I love you that we have come to Mass, but I love much more those who did not come to mass. "
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