Centuries later Fra 'John from Pian di Carpini another magionese off to conquer the East: George Lupattelli. E 'was inaugurated in China Sunday, July 6 Umbrian art exhibition titled "Migration" organized by the Province of Perugia in collaboration with Sviluppumbria and Umbria Incoming and under the patronage of the European Community, the Chamber of Commerce of Perugia, Embassy Italian Embassy in Beijing, the Italian Cultural Institute and the University for Foreigners. The exhibition will be held at "Rain Gallery in Beijing the "789 Art District, an old factory converted into a center of cutting edge for what concerns the art world in which they are exposed twenty-five works of different artists, one of the leading artists is just George Lupattelli, little known in Umbria the non-experts. A Mansion has created paintings for the church of San Giovanni Battista and his work lent free of charge for local cultural and recreational associations, in particular, the emblem of the festival magionese. But it is known and appreciated, especially in Rome and in the international arena. Multimedia artist for his work often uses computer graphics techniques, some of whom later carried out with the painting. Beijing has shown its work entitled "P53" oil acrylic on canvas inspired by his previous work on 'helical human genome. "Umbria has much to offer for a contemporary artist," says George Lupattelli "But this initiative can be interesting and is certainly an effort to support artists in Umbria. Personally I am in a very fortunate indeed is having great success even my own in Rome, the critics' reviews are very positive and many art magazines often show my work. The theme of my research is the contemporary man and its relationship with socio-cultural change and science in particular in the field of genetics. " Gallery personale a Roma durerà fino al 31 luglio intititolata “Refresh”, in cui l’artista, da sempre metabolizzatore dell’immaginario mediatico, osserva e rielabora i flussi comunicativi provenienti da televisione e computer creando opere che riallacciano il passato al presente come ad esempio l’opera di punta: il Toy Building Velociraptor; una scultura in scala dello scheletro di un velociraptor una sorta di lego modulare “ad incastro” tipico dell’artista .
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