Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Traning Of O Streaming


“Il lungo viaggio verso casa” è il titolo del cammino a ritroso della mostra fotografica dedicata a Maurizio Dogana, venuto a mancare nel 2004. La mostra è stata allestita grazie all’archivio del fotografo magionese composto da 700.000 scatti in cui vengono immortalati persone, storie, eventi e particolarità del territorio di Magione e del Lago Trasimeno negli ultimi trent’anni.
La mostra nasce da un’idea della pro-loco di Magione nella persona del presidente Luigi Bufoli, il quale ha dato il via ai lavori coinvolgendo anche la Pro-loco di San Savino, paese natale del fotografo. Il complicato lavoro di selezione delle fotografie è stato svolto dalla moglie e dai figli, che hanno da subito creduto nel progetto, realizzato con il patrocinio della Regione e del Comune di Magione.
Una mostra in cui non ci sono solo i suoi scatti, ma anche la rilettura e l’interpretazione dell’autore. Le foto sono divise in due sezioni ben distinte. La prima in bianco e nero, Geografie umane, è incentrata sulla presenza umana e sulle modificazioni che provoca all’ambiente. La seconda, a colori, Mitografie naturali, è focalizzata sul paesaggio, soprattutto quello del lago rapportato alla figura umana che assume una posizione secondaria, o meglio paritetica a quella delle componenti naturali, come i canneti, le isole, i tramonti. L’inaugurazione si terrà Friday, August 1 to 19 at the Tower of Lambardi Magione, the exhibition will run until September 30, will take place during this period a series of meetings with some local artists, reflecting the deep roots of Mauritius in the Customs territory of visual culture.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

427 Silverado Concept


Directors and owner: do something!
The facility is becoming a haven for homeless
Since April 23, 2004, that since it was inaugurated the new building in the square of the ASL Simoncini at the former cement works, the old headquarters on Via Casey was poured into di abbandono. La proprietà è di un privato, infatti l’azienda sanitaria era in affitto, il proprietario da quel dì, si è totalmente disinteressato alla vicenda senza trovare una soluzione per mettere in sicurezza la struttura che da quattro anni non ha subito interventi di manutenzione o riqualificazione. Per contro, chi di dovere, dovrebbe imporre al proprietario la chiusura dell’immobile in quanto quasi tutte le finestre sono aperte oppure sfondate mentre l’ingresso principale è una porta a vetri o perlomeno lo era prima che i vetri venissero frantumati. Da fuori, a prima vista, si notano sporcizia e rifiuti proprio nel salone di ingresso dove prima c’era la hall della mutua. Al pianoterra esistono alcune attività fra cui un’azienda ed un bar, mentre i piani soprastanti sono completamente disabitati, o almeno così dovrebbero essere infatti pare che vi abbiano trovato rifugio senzatetto e piccioni. “La porta rotta è opera di qualche vandalo così come le finestre” spiega Claudio Suriani , gestore del bar accanto all’ingresso del palazzo. “Lo stabile è in stato di totale abbandono ed è praticamente aperto, quindi qualsiasi persona può introdursi dentro e arrecare danni alla tutta la struttura. Un mese fa è stato catturato un ladro che abitava lì dentro con tanto di refurtiva appena sottratta da un laboratorio dell’edificio antistante. Inoltre in tarda serata si noises of people entering and leaving, there's probably some homeless people is usual to sleep at night. Every now and then, for a few sporadic reports, get the Police or Carabinieri but everything resolves to nothing, once there was even a fire resolved by the timely arrival of the Fire Brigade. " Renato Mattaioli , ITEL owner of a company that is headquartered at the base of the building is considered outraged by the state of neglect and deprivation which is the building: "For us the situation is really complicated. The upper floors are completely overrun by pigeons, while below is filled with garbage of all kinds, evidentemente l’interno è frequentato individui poco raccomandabili. Noi, infatti, siamo stati oggetto di molti piccoli furti dal nostro magazzino e spesso troviamo muri imbrattati da atti vandalici e a volte qualche siringa, sintomo del degrado in cui si trova questa zona”. Un disastro e un’indecenza” secondo una signora del quartiere che vuole restare anonima “ci sono dei bambini nei palazzi circostanti che spesso di nascosto vanno a giocare lì dentro, noi abbiamo paura che gli succeda qualcosa e ovviamente gli impediamo di andarci, speriamo che risolvano la situazione prima che succeda qualche spiacevole incidente” .

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Brazilian Wax Before And After Pic


For some
Don Julian was the Governors' priest companion to some was the "priest of the sick" for others "of the last priest" or simply Don Julian. Castelvieto was born in 1935, a small fraction of the Corciano from a humble farming family, his father a laborer and a workman's mother housekeeper at the barracks of Santa Giuliana. A man who knew what it meant to be on the side of the weakest, because he had been. He began his career in the church to Agello as chaplain, when he was ordained a priest Pietrafitta where he settled in, with huge efforts can restore the church. Following his work lends itself to Sunflower, where chiesa non c’era e lui l’ha costruita. Ma è nella chiesa di Magione che vive la maggior parte del tempo contribuendo nel ’93 alla fondazione dell Misericordia e nel 2001 realizza a memoria d’uomo i festeggiamenti più belli che si siano visti per il 25° del Crocifisso di Magione in cui sono accorsi migliaia di fedeli da tutta l’Umbria. Ma la abbandona a malincuore, perché era stato investito da un’auto mentre visitava le famiglie per la benedizione pasquale. L’incidente l’aveva mandato in coma per alcuni giorni e non ce l’avrebbe fatta a gestire una parrocchia così grande. Per questo ha voluto fortemente l’incarico di prete di Agello, una parrocchia più piccola, in cui la sua last mission had been achieved: the restored church of San Donato. He had obtained funding from the CEI and the Region. These days, was attending a sick uncle, the only close relative that was left, he had decided to spend a few days at sea to relax and just yesterday morning at the beach was seized by an illness, unnecessary travel to hospital. A priest controversial in many respects, could engender a great love and great hatred, hatred of a priest if you can talk, his arrival has always triggered an earthquake in all the small businesses that revolve around the church. Many did not forgive his way of being so conservative and so very little unconventional. Do not tolerate those who sang to church just to the ditty, but she loved and stimulated the emergence of youth groups and the movement of "Focolare" which was very close. A priest who used to visit the sick and comfort the faithful old house to house and that when he met some old militant of the party said: "This year we win." A priest who remembered your name and your passions, a priest who embraced all his parishioners whenever he saw them and did it for love. A priest who put the "made her long" was the sermon and the blessing of the most important thing, because as he often said from the pulpit: "I love you that we have come to Mass, but I love much more those who did not come to mass. "

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Owner Of A Telephone Number Airtel,chennai

L’arte umbra sbarca in Cina, 25 artisti da tutta l’Umbria

Centuries later Fra 'John from Pian di Carpini another magionese off to conquer the East: George Lupattelli. E 'was inaugurated in China Sunday, July 6 Umbrian art exhibition titled "Migration" organized by the Province of Perugia in collaboration with Sviluppumbria and Umbria Incoming and under the patronage of the European Community, the Chamber of Commerce of Perugia, Embassy Italian Embassy in Beijing, the Italian Cultural Institute and the University for Foreigners. The exhibition will be held at "Rain Gallery in Beijing the "789 Art District, an old factory converted into a center of cutting edge for what concerns the art world in which they are exposed twenty-five works of different artists, one of the leading artists is just George Lupattelli, little known in Umbria the non-experts. A Mansion has created paintings for the church of San Giovanni Battista and his work lent free of charge for local cultural and recreational associations, in particular, the emblem of the festival magionese. But it is known and appreciated, especially in Rome and in the international arena. Multimedia artist for his work often uses computer graphics techniques, some of whom later carried out with the painting. Beijing has shown its work entitled "P53" oil acrylic on canvas inspired by his previous work on 'helical human genome. "Umbria has much to offer for a contemporary artist," says George Lupattelli "But this initiative can be interesting and is certainly an effort to support artists in Umbria. Personally I am in a very fortunate indeed is having great success even my own in Rome, the critics' reviews are very positive and many art magazines often show my work. The theme of my research is the contemporary man and its relationship with socio-cultural change and science in particular in the field of genetics. " Gallery personale a Roma durerà fino al 31 luglio intititolata “Refresh”, in cui l’artista, da sempre metabolizzatore dell’immaginario mediatico, osserva e rielabora i flussi comunicativi provenienti da televisione e computer creando opere che riallacciano il passato al presente come ad esempio l’opera di punta: il Toy Building Velociraptor; una scultura in scala dello scheletro di un velociraptor una sorta di lego modulare “ad incastro” tipico dell’artista .

Friday, July 4, 2008

Most Common Brazzilian Wax

Trasimeno Music Festival sold out.

Grande successo anche quest’anno per il Trasimeno Music Festival giunto alla sua quarta edizione candidandosi di diritto come una fra le più importanti chamber music festivals in the region. In all the shows have been fully booked and for the last two shows scheduled for the 3rd and July 4th tickets are almost done. The festival has as its patron, in the role of artistic director, Angela Hewitt, recognized among the greatest pianists in the world and the greatest interpreter of JS Bach. The musician, fell in love the magical places that only they can offer the hills of Lake Trasimeno, a few years ago he decided to settle to the lake for the summer and make a real classical music festival with artists from around the world. The goal is to create a marriage between his two great passions: music room and territories Lake Trasimeno. The festival was then promoted and sponsored by the towns of Mansfield, Gubbio, Perugia, the Region and the Province and the Order of the Knights of Malta, which has provided the beautiful inner courtyard of the Castle of Magione for concert dates. Other suggestive frames were the church of San Pietro in Perugia and San Domenico in Gubbio where they performed the likes of Garrick Ohlsson at the piano, violin and Jorja Fleezanis Andrea Oliva flute. From report the fascinating interpretations of the baritone Gerald Finley who have been a great success with critics and audiences. The festival will close with the grand finale Friday, July 4 at the Castle of Knights of Malta in Magione with a recital for solo piano "in which Hewitt will be performing solo with some pieces by Bach, Haydn and Ravel.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Who Sells Fanfare Shoes

TRASIMENO - Agriculture at risk

With an order of the President of the Province of Perugia have been introduced for those exceptions, Lake Trasimeno, is licensed to draw and use water saving devices such as drip irrigation, micro sprinklers in spray or microjets and also for those working in the livestock sector. The recent rains have in fact only partially compensated for the water crisis that lasted for years now, in fact, today the lake is 122 centimeters below the hydrometric zero, that is some 40 centimeters less than it was during the summer 2007. La più importante opera di risanamento, il collegamento da Montedoglio, è infatti quasi terminato; l’ultimo tratto da Tuoro a Castiglione del Lago invece sarà pronto entro due anni. L’opera servirà gli impianti di irrigazione evitando un prelievo dal Lago Trasimeno di circa 400 mila metri cubi d’acqua. Nei periodi invernali, nel caso in cui la diga di Montedoglio si trovasse in surlpus l’impianto confluirà direttamente nel Trasimeno, garantendo un innalzamento stimato dai 6-10 cm l’anno.Non è soddisfatto del progetto, Giuseppe Tromba, responsabile della Coldiretti per l’area del Trasimeno: “l’agricoltura, una risorsa importantissima, è stata lasciata in disparte per too long, there is the impression that no interest to anyone. As for the drawing and irrigation from the Trasimeno know that it is limited to a few types of vegetables and therefore insufficient. " They also expressed many doubts about the trumpet from the project because of Montedoglio says he made a public use but will not give you a hand in agriculture.