the thunder 'Association: "We are neither the center nor right nor left"
The Fraternity of Mercy Magione a statement, approved unanimously by the Governing Council and the Assembly members, respond to statements that appeared in a local newspaper that the association considered appearance with a list of the civic center- magionese right: "We wish to emphasize that the Mercy of Magione is a good of the whole population of our town and no one can free labeling policies, we are neither right nor left nor center, will decide if any of our brothers to appear in any list, it will only and exclusively a personal basis but never on behalf of our brotherhood. Not trust anyone to support the name of mercy to any list that will appear in the upcoming municipal elections. "
magionese The association, among the largest by number of subscribers, has reached eighteen years since its founding and through the voluntary contribution of all members brothers made a very important step in setting up a few months ago a home that would meet the needs of both its image and logistics. A significant financial commitment of almost € 500,000 funded partly by equity and partly by the Region and in part by turning the long-term loans.
La Misericordia, nel corso degli anni, è diventata un punto di riferimento per tutta la cittadinanza, grazie anche alla passione e alla capacità organizzativa di Sergio Brozzi attuale Governatore e socio fondatore dell’associazione. Un’insostituibile fonte di sostentamento sia per i disabili che per tutti coloro che quotidianamente necessitano di spostamenti verso gli ospedali circostanti ma anche al trasporto di studenti non autosufficienti. Importantissimo anche il contributo che viene fornito dai volontari in tema di protezione civile, ci sono, infatti, volontari addestrati e sempre in prima linea nel caso in cui si presentino calamità naturali. Come si sottolinea nel comunicato, all those who serve, they do so free and disinterested, the funds are collected by the fruit of the membership, offers and initiatives that involve the whole population.
But those policies are not the only allegations to the association points out that the necessary services to the Mercy are equally distributed to all activities of the village, such as maintenance of the park and ambulances other means that is regularly carried out to all workshops magionesi. While some services such as fuel and insurance are provided by the operator who offered the largest discount with no special favoritism.
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