Ormai è quasi una certezza: sarà G. C. il futuro candidato a sindaco di Magione che guiderà la lista civica alternativa alla list of center parties - left, currently in government. E 'in the making, for some time now, a committee that will choose the team to assist the candidate, soon to be announced the names of candidates for municipal councilors and the program. In this list, open and announced without political characterizations, it seems that it has not been involved for local coordination of the main center-right political parties that currently have not issued official statements but it seems impossible that they can form a third coalition, so that will feed neatly in boxes in the list. GC, a retired architect, is the name with great insistence that circulates in political magionesi e pare che l’interessato non abbia smentito, anzi. Per molti anni ha collaborato dall’esterno con le amministrazioni di centro sinistra del Comune di Magione, sia sotto il punto di vista urbanistico sia contribuendo alla realizzazione di alcune fra le maggiori opere pubbliche del posto come l’Autodromo, il Palazzetto dello Sport, la scuola media sorta dalle ex cementerie e la ristrutturazione del Teatro Mengoni. Professionista molto stimato, ha lavorato in tutto comprensorio del Trasimeno in cui è molto conosciuto.
Se le voci di corridoio dovessero essere confermate, per gli abitanti magionesi si tratterebbe di un vero e proprio colpo di scena. C. infatti è riconosciuto dalla popolazione come un personaggio culturalmente identificato nell’area center-left also because of the constant collaboration with the junta who come through before administering Students Proietti. Hard to imagine, before it's released official statements, the reasons that can push C. to run for mayor. Fade away are all the other candidates list for civic leadership, had in fact spoken of the former Socialist deputy magionese and other eligible candidates, but the experts had judged them now, however, candidates do not trust. Remains to be seen what will the parties of the center right and center-left if it were confirmed C. head of the Civic Party. The center-right parties will side with the non-party plank? And the center-left however, how it will behave? For now, all is silent.
Se le voci di corridoio dovessero essere confermate, per gli abitanti magionesi si tratterebbe di un vero e proprio colpo di scena. C. infatti è riconosciuto dalla popolazione come un personaggio culturalmente identificato nell’area center-left also because of the constant collaboration with the junta who come through before administering Students Proietti. Hard to imagine, before it's released official statements, the reasons that can push C. to run for mayor. Fade away are all the other candidates list for civic leadership, had in fact spoken of the former Socialist deputy magionese and other eligible candidates, but the experts had judged them now, however, candidates do not trust. Remains to be seen what will the parties of the center right and center-left if it were confirmed C. head of the Civic Party. The center-right parties will side with the non-party plank? And the center-left however, how it will behave? For now, all is silent.
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