Self-censorship forced
Autodisciplina e autogestione ovvero autocensura in nome degli interessi del Paese. Lo ha chiesto Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao officially to the operators of the Internet and other media. "Every citizen - told reporters after the annual session of parliament - has the freedom of speech and publication, but every citizen must abide by the law and safeguard national interests and the interests of society." And who does not follow these directives end up in jail at best, as has happened to journalist Shi Tao: 10 years in prison for having circulated the government order to suppress media commemorations of prosecuting Tienamen. Arrest made possible through collaboration with Yahoo has handed over to Chinese authorities archive of the e-mail. Reporters without Borders ranks la Cina al 159esimo posto su 167 nazioni nella classifica della libertà di stampa mondiale.
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