Friday, June 9, 2006

Wrapping Paper Storage Stand Up

The World is Sound: communicating with music.
What unites the Western music (classical, rock, folk, jazz etc.). Choirs of Tuva (Mongolia) or harp Breton Alan Stivell, the rhythms of African drums to the invocations of Tibetan monks?
For purists probably nothing, but for those who are very conscious of living in a world that is increasingly starting to be "Global Village" where communication and increasing immigration are erasing the boundaries between peoples.
The choice is great and it is for this reason that ought to be directed towards the deliberate contamination or planning a meeting of different languages \u200b\u200bbut no 'to amputate, to the extent possible, the approach with the different musical cultures.
Future generations will live in a multiethnic society, with great incentives but also with a great danger: the fear of difference. Unfortunately the story, with its tragedies, cyclic to the point of becoming almost monotonous, he has taught us what makes ignorance of other cultures. Here we all have a great responsibility to educate young people to live together, guiding them along a cultural path that allows them to compete with distant experiences and helping them, without losing the identity of their membership (excess opposite), to understand and live in this new intercultural society.
As Fritjof Capra writes, "The universe non può piu’ essere visto come un sistema meccanico composto da blocchi elementari ma come una complessa rete di relazioni interdipendenti“.
Viviamo immersi nel suono, nella forma caotica del rumore o in quella organizzata della parola e della musica; le nostre orecchie funzionano prima che nasciamo, il che significa che prima di percepire il mondo con gli altri sensi, noi udiamo. Prima di venire alla luce in questo mondo – e per tutta la nostra vita, anche quando nell’ora della nostra dipartita, tutti i sensi ci abbandonano uno ad uno - l’udito è l’ultimo.
Non possiamo mai interrompere questa funzione cioè chiudere le orecchie. Il suono e' parte integrante e basilare del comunicare e uno dei compiti most of those working in this industry (musicians, producers, teachers, cultural workers etc.). and 'to encourage people to become smarter consumers and producers of music ... (Fabio Pianigiani)


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