Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Tattoos Before & After Pregnancy

" GIULIO II " il papa guerriero e...............


Il pontefice Giulio II Della Rovere alla fine dell' agosto del 1505, mentre con la scorta di cardinali si dirigeva a nord, si recò a cavallo a Fabrica, e qui si fermò per il pranzo (" equitavit Fabricam ubi fecit prandium "), ospite del cugino, il Cardinal Girolamo Basso Della Rovere, who was staying at. The abundance of food ended up diverting the pope and his entourage from religious duties, as reported by the chronicler of the voyage and concluded with a few brief words the guide of the day: "... (et) went not to church . "("... in ecclesiam non itum Fuit ). Abandoned the city, towards evening, the procession resumed its journey towards Viterbo. avoiding the road and Canepina diligere on the many hills and mountains surrounding the whole area (".. . Canapina at evil avoided via continuous ascendimus et propter montem inde discendimus ...").


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