Sunday, October 3, 2010

Information On The Strongest Paper Towel Brand

1, BANANA BIKE copyright Ceccovolante (organizers alessandr1 = one and Giorgini)

3/10/2010 niente Sinalunga Bike ma mega giratona con altri 9 amici (alessandr1, Giorgino, glazier, taxed, Tassone, Duccio, pagniuzzo, Pando and Thierry), someone is still in the woods above Sansepolcro, we will resume the next time we go out.
The route proposed to go over some parts of the moon's beautiful alpine mountain bike rally and add more as "hasty." Fortunately, the good
Therry gave me a ride in the van otherwise than to 67 km had already been made to add 10 more to go home. Giro
long but beautiful, I enclose a few pictures taken because they had all too quickly, except the panda that has seen the mice by green mountains on

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Egg Free Salmon Rissoles

A Sometimes it causes tiredness


Today, 02/10/10, saying that there was a betrayal to do so up I managed to convince followers of the Drink Team 5 Miles ahead astronomical observatory with me at that Coloti Montone (PG).
The training was: I (ceccovolante), stone marten, CANF, Antony, Henry, marcelino.
Once observatory, after other such along the way, comes the legendary Faina, that after my phrase book on the observatory is open for stargazing, who says that years ago in a visit had sold a star but they are too far away has had to sell it, Marcellin S. fatigue that said "now faint" failed to even ask "and how did you buy it ????", he answered" I have a mortgage. " Sometimes such a big shoot
ago si che altri abbocchino tranquillamente.

Il gruppo di oggi, lungo il percorso, è stato purtroppo disturbato dall'assordante cigolio della TURRO biammortizzata 1997 del freeraider mancato Enrico B., ma ha promesso che ne ha già acquistata una peggio per continuare a romperci i maroni. Tanto lui non la sente, con quel casco ermetico integrale che si mette non gli passa un filo d'aria, deve viaggiare con la bombola d'ossigeno sulle spalle come i SUB e dice che è solo acqua.

Inoltre c'è chi va a funghi  ma non ha mai trovato qualcosa del genere:

the classic mushroom

the fungus genetically modified

is said that the fungus is a mold and that the brain has done so much !!!!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Bow And Arrow Balloon

CASCA I'd need a CLONE


now been two days that are faced with this question, sinalunga sinalunga YES or NO, the word SI-nalunga would say the same, his wife signed me permessino without having to invent some reason for the absurd that I should go, even the weather seems to stand up and entice even more.
The only doubt is my form, I could easily remove the legs only Wednesday, after all the mud and cramping on Sunday moved in that Petrignano, which unfortunately is still the preferred Sinalunga NO.