Two months into the yoke of Palio, the climate is already hot. Here's the new logo on Wednesday unveiled the district station, with the help and professionalism of the legendary artist made in Mansfield Station, Giorgio Lupattelli . This year the theme of the parade will be giving away a pre-medieval background, the station will present the ancient crafts, the blacksmith, the inn-keeper, the baker and the merchant, looking for clothes and tools to reconstruct as closely as possible. Everything is already in motion and everything is in "train de vie", this year we started early to get to make a worthy contribution to the party and the country in general. Considering that, there is no support from any type of institution, the only way is self-financing and the sale of t-shirts and small gadgets to build something beautiful and decent. All initiatives and gadget "station" will be com by Lupattelli unque segnalati per chi avesse intenzione di acquistarli oppure di partecipare alle famigerate cene della Stazione .
Il gruppo di giogaioli è già quasi del tutto formato, una rosa di dieci corridori e solo 8 di questi verranno scelti, gli allenamenti sono iniziati, le speranze e le motivazioni sono alle stelle, riuscirà la Stazione dopo 20 anni a rivincere il Palio?
Logo Stazione, opera di G. Lupatelli
in onore del rione Stazione