Although it may claim, I'm going to evaluate the performance of magionesi wineries during the event "Open Cellars" held yesterday in Italy. The Gambero Rosso gave assessments in glasses, the Michelin stars and bubbles Informagione elargirà ° ° ° up to a maximum of six under the bubbly taste and gradimeno of the writer and also with the help of one of those reviews for some job they will be.
Cellar: Lands of Hornbeam ° ° °

The food tasting were minimized, the optimal choice of the rock group "ENEMA" the square of the cellar.
Winery: Castello di Magione °°°°°°
Despite the location of all respect, the magnificent courtyard of the Castle Knights of Malta, enriched by the exhibition of Doctors, the best is undoubtedly the Morcinaia , red and DOC's flagship product. An elegant wine with velvety on the palate yet full-bodied and suited to red meat and cheese products. All over the new Poggio Montorio, always a full-bodied red wine and very good, as well as the Monterone white, and Carpaneto, red. On the other hand is a company that makes quality its strength with very high production quality standards. In the event there was a rich buffet with things rustic and homemade.
Cellar: Pucciarelli ° ° ° °

E' mancata una marcia in più all'AC Magione per superare la Grifo Monte Tezio sul campo neutro di Ellera nella finale play-off. Un Magione senza grinta e mordente rimane bloccato sullo 0-0 fino al secondo tempo supplementare, non erano previsti i rigori in quanto valeva la posizione di classifica migliore, e il Magione è arrivato quinto, ultimo posto utile dei play-off. Un nutrito gruppo di tifosi aveva raggiunto la squadra con tanto di fumogeni e striscioni per sostenere i propri beniamini, ma non è bastato. La Grifo, stracolma di ex quali il portire Panichi (migliore in campo), Monni, Caproni, Dolciami (grande ex assente per un problema muscolare) e Giugliarelli; tiene bene il campo, e porta home the possibility of joining Promotion for the Mansion will be another year of purgatory. At the beginning of the championship was staged one of the most competitive teams that have ever been seen, with the flaw, however, have magionesi few players on the pitch, now that we have seen, the damage took place in the most furious in these big games. Now is the time of assessments and examinations of conscience, who failed to pay.