The trip, the protagonists of The Craft of Music
The School of Traditional Acupuncture in the city of Florence and the Centro Studi oriental show: The Fellowship of the Tao
JOURNEY abandonment and meta
29-30 September, 1 October 2006
Villa Castelletti, Signa, Florence
- FRANCO Cracolici, a physician and acupuncturist, director and owner of the School of Traditional Acupuncture in the city of Florence, promoter and creator of this initiative.
- Giangiorgio Pasqualotto, a history professor of philosophy at the University of Padua.
- CHARLES LAURENT, sinologist, writer and expert in the history of Chinese literature and thought.
- FABIO Lowland, musician, composer, teacher and coordinator in interreligious dialogue at the University of Siena.
- MARCO MONTAGNANI, Taoist master, doctor and teacher of qi gong, President of the Centre of Oriental Studies Vinci.
- Tiziano Lera, architect expert in feng shui.
- ALBERTO Lomuscio, physician and professor of the School of Acupuncture in Milan.
- Alessandro Meluzzi, doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist and psychotherapist. Professor of Genetics of human behavior at the University of Siena. Professor of Integrated Course of Mental Health at the University of Turin, Master of Science in Nursing. Scientific Director of the School of Medicine humanizing della Regione Piemonte.
- MARA AMOREVOLI, giornalista de "La Repubblica"
- LUCA NOCENTINI, terapeuta.
- MARCO FERRINI Ph.D. Psycology (Fondatore e Presidente del Centro Studi Bhactivedanta e del Dipartimento Accademico delle Scienze Tradizionali dell’India).
- GILBERTO GORI Medico agopuntore Medicina Tradizionale Cinese.
- DONATELLA ROSSI Prof. per contratto di Religioni e filosofie dell'asia., dipartimento di Studi Orientali, Università “La Sapienza”, Roma
- MARINO ROSSO Ricercatore confermato, Dipartimento di Filosofia, Università degli Studi di Firenze.
- ENRICO CHELI Sociologo, psicologo e docente Università degli Studi di Siena